Drive In Flu Vaccination Clinic

Get your flu shot from the comfort of your car

1 – Reserve your spot
Please select a time and date from the booking sheet (scroll down on your phone). You will need to complete some documentation and provide proof of insurance prior to your reservation being approved.
If you do not supply this information at least 2 days prior to your requested visit, your reservation will be cancelled.

2 – Complete patient information
Click here to securely fill in patient information, HIPAA consent and verify your insurance. If using a cellphone, you can take a picture of your insurance card from within the form.
[ Patient Information & HIPAA Consent form ]

3 – On the day of visit, complete flu questionaire
You will receive a reminder email on the day of the visit, with a link to a questionaire about your current state of health. Please complete this questionaire on the day of the visit.
[ Flu Vaccination Questionaire ]
Parents/Guardians are also requested to fill out forms for each individual under their custodianship
[ Flu Vaccination Childrens Questionaire ]